Basic JavaScript
vs let
const: can't reassign the variable but is mutable
let: can reassign, block scoped
Closures, for
loops, var, & Hoisting
// this is a pure function as it only returns the values of its inputs
function pureFun(a, b) {
return a + b;
When we have a variable outside of a functions scope, we have a free varible we create a closure to store them in a place in memory we can access later in heap memory which keeps memory longer than in the call stack.
let b = 3;
// This function is impure as it is referencing a variable outside of its scope. It is also a closure for the same reason.
// This prevents data leakage by keeping the state inside the function to prevent leakage to the surrounding environment.
function impureFun(a) {
return a + b
Closure: function combined with its outer state or lexical environment. We use this for data encapsulation.
What does this code log out?
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
const log = () => {
setTimeout(log, 100);