Interviewing for Frontend Engineers
- #Inital phone screen
- #Coding without a computer
- #Before you apply
- #Resume
- #Experience
- #To prepare
- #Prescreen
- #Code test
- #Big-O
- #Phone screen
- #On-site interviews
- #Arrays
Inital phone screen
- Prepping for phone screens
- What do you do
- Recent projects
- Looking for in next role
- Why do you want to work for company
- What is your availability
- Give interviewers a reason to hire you
- Know these questions
- Write down answers to these questions
- Do your research
Coding without a computer
- Use iPad to code a few algorithms
- Setup whiteboard again
- Talk out the problem
Before you apply
- Current job satisfaction
- What the next place offers, apply with intentionality
- Engineering culture
- What would make you happy
- One page
- Title
- Current role
- Education
- Certs
- Projects
- Think empathy
- What will jump out to interviewer quickly
- Do you need GitHub?
- Post code in CodePen or Codesandbox and share to Twitter
- Network
- Go to conferences
- Meetups
- You will be paid lowly when you have very little experience
- Have personal projects
- Have a LinkedIn
- Have a portfolio
To prepare
- How many steps are in the interview
- How big is the engineering team
- Which team
- What is your culture like
- Who are your competitors
- What sort of projects would I work on
difference between const let var
- The scope is global when a var variable is declared outside a function.
- var is function scoped when it is declared within a function.
- This means that we can do this within the same scope and won't get an error:
var greeter = "hey hi"; var greeter = "say Hello instead"; var greeter = "hey hi"; greeter = "say Hello instead";
var variables can be re-declared and updated
Hoisting of var -
var variables are hoisted to the top of their scope and initialized with a value of undefined.
What is hoisting?
- Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables and function declarations are moved to the top of their scope before code execution.
let can be updated but not re-declared.
let declarations are hoisted to the top.
let is not initialized
- try to use a let variable before declaration get a Reference Error
const cannot be updated or re-declared
const object cannot be updated
- properties of objects can be updatedconst object as this:
- cannot do this:
const greeting = {
words: "Hello",
number: "five"
- can do this:
greeting.message = "say Hello instead";
- const declarations are hoisted to the top but are not initialized
- Explain prototypical inheritance
- A prototype is a working object instance. Objects inherit directly from other objects.
- What is
- The scope you're in but if it is not locally defined,
refers to the global object
- The scope you're in but if it is not locally defined,
- What is the data structure of the DOM
- The DOM is a tree
- What is a stack and a queue?
- Data structures
- stack
- Last in first out
- use an array
- queue
- first in first out
- Image loaded on page
callback will be fired
- What is
- Ways of changing the scope of the calling function
- call: series of arguments
- apply: array of arguments
- Ways of changing the scope of the calling function
- Event delegation
- Have one event listener at the top when you click it bubbles up to the parent
- Event listeners are expensive (performance)
- What is a worker
- Worker is a thing in a browser to offload an expensive operation
Code test
- Make code readable
- comment
- don't overcomplicate the architecture
- don't import too many libs
- use something like lodash
- If more time add unit tests
- Ask questions
- Ask questions ahead of time
- how long a function will take to run in a worst case scenario
Big Theta
- The average case for how long a function will take to run
function search(arr, num) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] === num) {
return true;
return false;
Big Omega
- The best case scenario for how long a function will take to run
function search(arr, num) {
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] === num) {
return true;
return false;
- 1 for loop, return early
- element at index 0 is best case
- will return instantly
- size of inputs doesn't matter
Big-O, count the loops
Phone screen
- Ask questions
- not too many
- talk out your solution
- especially if stuck
- need to let interviewer know how you're thinking
- especially if stuck
- get comfortable with environment
Phone screen problems
for appending more than once- constantly rendering to the DOM with multiple
has perfomance implications
- constantly rendering to the DOM with multiple
extracting the
event from the DOM and usingchildNodeRemove
is 1 - Web Dev/Event Delegation
On-site interviews
practice coding without a computer/iPad
Go over general sample problems
Ask other engineers/friends to test you
Ask about style of technical questions
On-site questions
- Interesting facts about strings: Immutable
- Should convert strings into arrays
function reverse(str) {
return str.split('').reverse().join();
- gives an array of arrays index 0 first item in the array
- Takes an array like object (arguments)
- HTML children
- Spreads items into an array